We are transforming leadership on Earth ...
unique in gifts, united in purpose.

We see a regenerative future for our world ~ one where people and the ecosystems of this planet are thriving ... together.

We trust this is not only possible, it is inevitable. And yet, this emerging reality is a co-creation that requires transformative intention and action.

What does it take for us to live into this flourishing future?

We believe it takes a round table ~ where leaders of regenerative initiatives come together around a shared intention of mutual thriving, contributing their genius and working together in ways that exponentially expand their individual and collective impact.

In Grail Leadership, we work with leaders to implement this whole-systems model, rooted in the principles of nature, to generate a ripple-effect of well-being and prosperity globally.

Subscribe to Holly's Regenerating Leadership newsletter for weekly insights, podcast conversations with inspiring leaders, monthly gatherings and more ~ all to support you in your journey from surviving and sacrificing to regenerating and thriving.

A tribute to the heroes of our thriving future….

We honor you for being a beacon of possibility in a sea of chaos as we move through the most monumental shift in Earth’s history.

With every shift in ages, there’s a very small yet powerful group of true leaders ~ those who expand the bounds of the known world, demonstrating what’s possible by living it.

The world may not see you yet ~ but deep down you know who you are, and so do we....

Watch our five minute tribute video to you.

What we do

We help leaders of regenerative initiatives to fulfill their mission and exponentially expand their impact by engaging in round-table ecosystems that are aligned with nature’s principles of wholeness and mutual thriving.

Why we do it

We are devoted to the mutual thriving of people and the planet. We believe a whole new world requires whole leaders engaging in whole ecosystems, aligned with the principles of nature. As we cultivate a more harmonious relationship with ourselves, each other, and the Earth, we naturally co-create true regenerative impact.


Round Table Leadership

Inspired by nature, steeped in myth, rooted in mutual thriving

Original Intention

You ~ and your organization ~ have a central flame burning within you. It's your original intention for being born in this incredible time and place ~ all that you came to be, experience, embody and contribute.

Essential Genius

Your essential genius ~ and that of your organization ~ is coming to life. Defined as "the attendant spirit present from birth", this unique essence is unlike any other and is a vital piece of a greater whole. 

Flow of Nature

The flow of nature is abundant, regenerative and powerful. As you live in greater alignment with this flow, and align your organization with it, the impact you are here to make unfolds with grace & ease.


We look forward to connecting with you

Holly McCann

Founding Co-Creator
& Whole Systems Visionary

Julia McKeowen

Founding Co-Creator
& True Nature Scout