“Only as high as I reach can I grow; only as far as I seek can I go.
Only as deep as I look can I see; only as much as I dream can I be.” ~ Karen Ravn
Holly McCann
Regenerative Leadership Guide

Hi, I'm Holly! Curious about my story? Here's the shortish version....
I've made the rounds in nearly all areas of business and leadership, spanning three careers: as a lawyer and corporate executive; as the founder of two award-winning stationery boutiques; and as a leadership coach and consultant.
It's clear to me that I came in to deeply understand leadership from many angles. And that I'm here to play a role in the transformation of what it means to be a leader ~ shifting from extractive business practices into regenerative stewardship.
I was a classic overachiever, having taken on a great deal of responsibility at a very young age. I was always looking for the next mountain to climb in my relentless pursuit of success. But no matter how many achievements or accolades I attained, it was never enough.
After experiencing heights of "success" in three careers, I felt utterly burned out and totally unfulfilled.
In 2014, the walls of my carefully constructed life came crashing down around me. My mother, who was a very key figure in my life and who lived with my family, was coming to the end of her 7-year journey with ovarian cancer. My 20-year 'perfect' marriage to a wonderful man had run its course. And all the momentum in my businesses had come to a screeching halt.
Ultimately, I was confronted with my greatest fear, the one I'd been trying to outrun my whole life ~ the fear of being powerless. This time, no amount of 'trying harder' or 'working smarter' was going to fix, change or control any of these monumental endings in my life.
I had no choice but to surrender to a complete unraveling of my world and all I knew myself to be.
Emerging from that dark night of the soul many months later, I knew I could never go back to the hustle and grind of my former life ~ or to the person I had known myself to be.
So in 2016, I set out on what would become a seven-year quest around the world to explore ways to live and lead differently. This pursuit took me to twelve countries, four continents and two hemispheres as I immersed myself in a variety of regenerative initiatives ~ working and living with the leadership teams of evolutionary organizations devoted to pioneering new models that generate more life and thriving in the world.
Through this epic journey, I ultimately found what I had been missing all along ~ the real me, the core essence of my authentic self.
In the process, I've rekindled my deep love of nature and discovered the true source of my power in the flow of life-force energy that streams abundantly through all life.
I love exploring the outer bounds of what is possible when we work together within and across organizations, operating in synergy rather than silos. And I am beyond thrilled to now be taking all the wisdom I've embodied along this incredible journey and sharing it with heroic, heart-centered leaders like you ~ the pioneers of our emerging future ~ supporting you and your initiatives in thriving as you fulfill your unique and valuable mission here.
I also love exploring this magnificent planet through international travel, hiking, paddle boarding, and stargazing ~ tuning in to the ancient wisdom and sacred mythos of people and land.
Work with Holly

Private Mentoring Support
Looking for more clarity in your vision or the best next steps in practically implementing the principles of regenerative leadership in your initiative?
What they're saying...

Ric Pratte
Founder, AVL Digital Nomads
When true leaders bring people together, magic happens. That's exactly what Holly McCann created at our recent strategic planning retreat. As a master of regenerative leadership, Holly guided us on a journey to rediscover our purpose. The energy was apparent as inspiration struck and ideas coalesced into a shared vision for our future. Holly demonstrated that leadership is not a position or title, but rather an act of service. By selflessly leading us to look within, she transformed how we plan to lead others going forward. Our sincere gratitude to Holly for facilitating the connections that remind us of our greater mission. The ripples from her impact will be felt far beyond AVL Digital Nomads.

Mark Smith
Co-founder & President, Envelopments, Inc.
Holly has been a customer, and a comrade in our industry. Getting to know her over the years has come with many surprises ... all positive. Holly has skills, knowledge and passion she is able to apply in any situation. Her presence of mind is fluid and able to stretch to meet the challenges presented. Many times the challenges were not even obvious until Holly dug in to determine what they were. This fierce focus mixed with a wide peripheral vision enables her to apply a synergistic design solutions approach to getting things done.

Jane Boatman Geller
Creative Director, Boatman Group
Creative. Innovative. Leader... Just a few words that best describe Holly. It was my good fortune to partner with Holly as one of our retailers ~ one of the few who approached our volatile market with creative ideas to address some of the biggest issues. Holly is a unique and powerful mix of business and creativity. Those of us fortunate to have worked with her know just how special she is!

Ed Manning
Executive Director, Leadership Asheville
Through several conversations, both in-depth and far-out, it is clear to me that Holly is a forward-thinking, compassionate and effective leader. She has that visionary, risk-taking spirit of an entrepreneur and is grounded in a wealth of experience from her time as a corporate executive and from running her own business. She has consistently focused on her own growth while helping to support the growth of others.

Heidi Campbell
Owner, Stationery Loft
I should've started working with Holly ages before I did. WOW! My revenues doubled in the year of our work. I have grown as a business owner, as a wife, as a mother, as a human being. Additionally, I now have a solid foundation and tools to continue moving all of my successes forward. It should be noted I have an MBA. What I gained from Holly goes far beyond what they teach in graduate school. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!