“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Private mentoring
1:1 sessions with Holly McCann
I see you.
You are a leader of an organization, a project, or even an idea. And you know you’re here to make a meaningful impact.
But you are no longer willing to pay the price of operating in the conventional way ~ sacrificing the well-being of yourself, your employees, trading partners, competitors, or the planet.
Few people see what you see ~ that there is a better way, that things can be different, that an entirely new way of doing or being can become reality.
You feel lonely and isolated at times, wondering if there's anyone you can turn to for support who really gets your world ~ and who doesn't need you to do or be anything for them.
Sometimes you need to be seen and heard by one who can hold an audacious vision ~ one who can be a sounding board without judging, resisting or diminishing your vision.
Sometimes you need one who has practical, grounded experience ~ one who knows what it takes to lead an organization and to make your desired impact, one who can help you get clear and focused on the best next steps.
When it comes to leading a regenerative initiative and making a transformative impact ~ especially when you're birthing something that's never been before ~ you need both.
I am with you.

I know what it's like to walk through the world as a leader ~ including what it took to succeed in conventional business, and where I needed to go to birth something entirely new in the emerging world.
Through my careers as a lawyer & corporate executive, as a small business owner, and as a leadership consultant, I have cultivated a unique depth and breadth of business experience, systems thinking and a "boots on the ground" approach ~ all of which are essential for the type of implementation required to make a meaningful impact.
I view everything from a whole-systems design perspective, seeing the relationships and interconnectivity of many seemingly separate aspects. There is so much magic in the moment when we get to see how all the dots align into a coherent pattern and a regenerative flow that leads to true prosperity and beneficial impact!
I work with you to unleash true prosperity ~ the abundance, thriving and beneficial impact that is possible when you are clear, focused and oriented to your own center.
Let's be clear.
As a leader, your primary role is to continually get clear ~ what's within your vision and what's not, what will bring you and your initiative into greater alignment with your original intention and what will pull you away from that.
Your clarity serves as a beacon. The more clearly you are able to communicate the mission, the more powerfully those who resonate deeply with your initiative will be drawn into it.
When you're clear, you are able to shift out of the busy-ness of doing things and focus on the things that need to be done ~ the best next steps that will move your mission forward.

Let's go.
It matters not whether you are a solopreneur or a leader in a larger initiative ~ whether you're at the vision stage or in a more mature organizational phase. What matters is resonance ~ and your willingness to engage.
When you need to get clear on the essence of your mission and the impact you are uniquely designed to make, we'll flesh out your big why and craft a powerful Original Intention statement.
When it feels like your focus is scattered, we'll map your initiative into a coherent ecosystem where all the parts support each other and the whole.
When your initiative is stalled out, we'll find what's in the way and restore flow, unleashing more of your regenerative impact.
When you're experiencing wobbles in your team dynamics, we'll match core functions with essential genius ~ bringing greater alignment, synergy and coherence to your initiative.
And, if you're simply overwhelmed and burned out, I'll help you get back to what really matters to you.
At every phase of your initiative's evolution, we'll explore the most effective ways for you to practically implement the principles of regenerative leadership ~ expanding your impact by aligning with nature's principles of wholeness and mutual thriving.

3-session flex mentoring series
- Three 90-minute calls
- Sessions held within anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months
- You choose the rhythm that works best for you
$844 USD

mentoring series
- Three 90-minute calls per month for 3 months
- Support between calls via Telegram or WhatsApp
$2499 USD
or 3 monthly payments of $849

mentoring series
- Three 90-minute calls per month for 6 months
- Support between calls via Telegram or WhatsApp
$4499 USD
or 6 monthly payments of $765
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What is the next step?
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What they're saying...

Ric Pratte
Founder, AVL Digital Nomads
When true leaders bring people together, magic happens. That's exactly what Holly McCann created at our recent AVLDN strategic planning retreat. As a master of regenerative leadership, Holly guided us on a journey to rediscover our purpose. The energy was apparent as inspiration struck and ideas coalesced into a shared vision for our future. Holly demonstrated that leadership is not a position or title, but rather an act of service. By selflessly leading us to look within, she transformed how we plan to lead others going forward. Our sincere gratitude to Holly for facilitating the connections that remind us of our greater mission. The ripples from her impact will be felt far beyond AVL Digital Nomads.

Heidi Campbell
Owner, Stationery Loft
I should've started working with Holly ages before I did. WOW! My revenues doubled in the year of our work. I have grown as a business owner, as a wife, as a mother, as a human being. Additionally, I now have a solid foundation and tools to continue moving all of my successes forward. It should be noted I have an MBA. What I gained from Holly goes far beyond what they teach in graduate school. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Mark Smith
Co-founder & President, Envelopments, Inc.
Holly has been a customer, and a comrade in our industry. Getting to know her over the years has come with many surprises ... all positive. Holly has skills, knowledge and passion she is able to apply in any situation. Her presence of mind is fluid and able to stretch to meet the challenges presented. Many times the challenges were not even obvious until Holly dug in to determine what they were. This fierce focus mixed with a wide peripheral vision enables her to apply a synergistic design solutions approach to getting things done.

Jane Boatman Geller
Creative Director, Boatman Group
Creative. Innovative. Leader... Just a few words that best describe Holly. It was my good fortune to partner with Holly as one of our retailers ~ one of the few who approached our volatile market with creative ideas to address some of the biggest issues. Holly is a unique and powerful mix of business and creativity. Those of us fortunate to have worked with her know just how special she is!

Ed Manning
Executive Director, Leadership Asheville
Through several conversations, both in-depth and far-out, it is clear to me that Holly is a forward-thinking, compassionate and effective leader. She has that visionary, risk-taking spirit of an entrepreneur and is grounded in a wealth of experience from her time as a corporate executive and from running her own business. She has consistently focused on her own growth while helping to support the growth of others.