Quest for the Wholly Grail:
the Heroic Journey Home
Have you been living a life half-lived?
💬 I'm doing all the right things to achieve success, but I never seem to get where I know I should be. What is wrong with me?
💬 I've attained what most would say is success, but I'm still unhappy and stressed all the time. I feel like a fraud.
💬 I'm finding myself questioning what it's all for, whether the hard work and hustle is worth it. There must be more to life than this!
These are things I often said to myself throughout three "successful" careers ~ and that I hear from my clients and so many others every single day.
You are here to live fully and thrive
Most are merely existing in a life half-lived, numbed out by an imbalanced masculine approach to safety, security and success.
Few dare to enter the abyss of the unknown ~ the realm of the feminine where magic, pure potential, and an innate connection with all life reside… and where the treasure of your unique gifts are buried, held in safekeeping in the innermost temple of you.
But you? You have chosen to follow the calling of your soul. You are on a heroic quest to release limitations that have bound you to a conventional world, reclaim your innate gifts, and embody your true nature.
This is the path of the evolutionary pioneer ~ ushering in peace on Earth as you resolve the war within and come home to your whole self.

Ready for an adventure?
Register now for an extraordinary 4-part trek through the Heroic Journey of your life
Only $144 USD
You will receive
📚 Self-study Course including:
- 🎬 4 content-rich videos
- 📖 Transcripts of videos
- 🧰 Practical tools for implementation & integration
🥾 Experienced Trail Guide: Navigate your heroic journey with guidance from one who has come to know this path through decades (and lifetimes) of direct experience.
🚀 Your heroic journey awaits. Are you ready to unveil the Wholly Grail within you?
You are on a Heroic Journey
Moving beyond either the Hero’s Journey for men or the Heroine’s Journey for women, the Heroic Journey is about the masculine and feminine energies within us all.
As a true pioneer of our time, you are on an epic journey ~ a wildly mythic and earthly grounded quest to heal and integrate these seemingly opposing forces into harmony, wholeness, and thriving.
This Heroic Journey is both universal and deeply personal. Fortunately, your soul knows the way, holding the treasure map that has been custom designed just for you and your vital mission here.
Embark on this 4-part adventure to explore this archetypal journey and your personal treasure map designed specifically by and for you.
Mapping the milestones of your life through the arc of the Heroic Journey, you'll experience greater clarity and focus around your unique mission and a deep appreciation for the brilliant design of your life.
The Heroic Journey

Week 1: Beyond the Hero's Journey
We begin our journey at base camp, with an overview of the Hero's Journey and the Heroine's Journey. And I'll introduce you to my updated, synthesized version ~ the Heroic Journey.

Week 2: Quest for Sovereignty
During the Hero phase of the Heroic Journey, we'll be following a clearly marked trail through the outward, masculine realm of the Known world.

Week 3: Return to Unity
Moving through the Dark Night of the Soul, we'll plunge into the Heroine Phase, where we reconnect with the feminine and reclaim our buried treasure.

Week 4: Embodying Sovereign Unity
This is where you head toward home, healing and integrating your entire journey, emerging into the fullness of your true self ~ and thriving as you share your magic elixir with the world.
The Quest of Your Life

Say Yes to the Quest
Register now for this extraordinary trek through the Heroic Journey of your life
Only $144 USD
Register now for
immediate access
📚 Self-study Course including:
- 🎬 4 content-rich videos
- 📖 Transcripts of videos
- 🧰 Practical tools for implementation & integration
🥾 Experienced Trail Guide: Navigate your heroic journey with guidance from one who has come to know this path through decades (and lifetimes) of direct experience.
What They're Saying...

Julia McKeowen
I wholeheartedly endorse this course/adventure of a lifetime!
I had the honour of assisting Holly with the technical aspects, and I remember the many 'truthbumps' that surged through me as her powerful voice conveyed revolutionary philosophies about the human journey, our 'purpose,' and the interplay between the masculine and feminine energies.
This groundbreaking work has the potential to shift the world's problems and then some, but it all begins with you! If you're looking for a deeper awareness about life, it's here.
It is my hope and intention that you conclude this course with a deep love and appreciation for all the facets of yourself and your courageous, pioneering soul ~ and that you feel seen and valued for the heroic being you truly are!