Make the impact you are here to make,
aligned with Nature's principles.
You know you're here for something greater.
You are a powerful, high-achieving leader. You have experienced heights of success in your chosen profession. But something's been missing, leaving you craving more of what truly matters.
You have a meaningful contribution to make. Even if it’s not yet fully clear, you feel its presence ~ moving you, shaping you, preparing you for exactly this moment.
You're done striving for conventional success in ways that leave you feeling empty and exhausted. You long to thrive in a life filled with meaning, purpose, and connection.
You are bursting with desire to bring your work more fully into the world, to create a new initiative ~ or take your existing one to a whole new level.
But you may be wondering how to do that in a way that feels most aligned for you ~ in a way that generates more life and vitality rather than depleting it.
You are designed to thrive.
In a world where we've been led to believe that we are separate from Nature, we look outside of ourselves ~ for guidance, direction, and power. And that outside world tells us that we need to work really hard to produce, achieve, and prove our worth.
But that is not how Nature operates. Everything in Nature is created from the inside out ~ unfolding, unfurling, and birthing from within, according to its own unique set of innate instructions and timing.
And you? You are Nature ~ a living ecosystem unto itself, interconnected with all other living ecosystems ~ designed to live in harmony, wholeness and abundance.
You are not here to exhaust yourself just to survive. You are here to remember how magnificent you truly are, to make a meaningful impact and thrive.
You have everything you need.

You are here for a very specific purpose. Your original intention ~ all that you desired to learn, experience, create and contribute to the world ~ is wired into your DNA.
And everything in your life is perfectly orchestrated to support you in fulfilling that original intention.
As you remember your soul song and orient to this organizing principle at the center of your being, you experience tremendous clarity, synchronicity, and peace.
Every creation has a unique purpose.
Just as every child has their own soul song, every business or initiative has an original intention ~ a reason for its coming into existence at this time and the unique impact it is designed to generate.
To lead a truly regenerative venture, you must come to know the original intention of your initiative, continually tune into its unique soul song, and focus all your decisions, actions and resources toward serving that core purpose.
This creates a field that naturally and magnetically attracts all the people, resources and opportunities your initiative needs to fulfill its mission.
You know this.
You are not looking for a teacher or a guru. You are looking for an ally who can see your greatness and hold space for the many facets of you while you continue to step into all that you are here to be and contribute.
You don't need or want coddling ~ you want someone who will fiercely call you forward into what you're truly desiring for yourself and the world, in an energy of great love and appreciation for you and your awe-inspiring journey.
You may have been following the lone wolf path for awhile now. And yet you know we are not meant to do it all alone. Nature thrives in ecosystems.
We need to be surrounded by other courageous pioneers who are on a similar journey.
We need each other to help us see who we truly are ~ to help us break through the veils of forgetting, conditioned patterns & survival mechanisms, and the voices of fear and doubt ~ and to reflect back to us our unique genius and innate gifts.
We need a nurturing space ~ one that's expansive enough to hold our most audacious visions and feels safe enough to dive into the deepest parts of ourselves, to birth all that is wanting to be created through us.
We need to hear our unique soul song sung back to us....
Announcing the birth of the
Soul Song Sanctuary
An intimate 3-month group experience
September 2024 - November 2024
Imagine finding a golden key you hid for yourself...
... one that opens the door to you living in alignment with your true nature, fulfilling your unique mission, and thriving.
As a member of the Soul Song Sanctuary, you will be held in a powerful womb space that supports you and other pioneers of our emerging future in remembering your soul song ~ and tuning into the soul song of all that is being birthed through you.
Over the course of our 3 months together, you will be strongly supported in coming to:
- deeply know, love and appreciate yourself through the blueprints you designed for your journey here
- hone in on your original intention, innate gifts, and core purpose
- clearly communicate the original intention for your initiative or business ~ at any stage, phase or scale
- align your life and your leadership with the regenerative flow of nature
The Framework

Nature-based sharings
Receive valuable content, rich with nature-based sharings, tools & resources for integration and embodiment ~ including a new 20-minute video each month.

Group video calls
Connect more deeply with your peers and receive real-time support with two 90-minute online group coaching sessions with Holly each month.

Members-only portal
Engage with other members, share your insights and experiences, and receive ongoing support in an online portal that is exclusive to your group.
Content Modules
You will receive ongoing access online to a member-only program portal ~ your hub for all the presentation videos, tools and resources ~ with a new content module added each month.

Your Unique Soul Song
- Know Thyself ~ dive into the maps & blueprints you created for yourself and your unique journey {Human Design, Gene Keys & more}
- Original Intention ~ understand the core organizing principle for your life and purpose
- Align with your True Nature ~ embrace the magic and magnificence of You

The Soul Song of Nature
- Patterns of Life ~ Discover the geometries, rhythms and patterns that exist all around you in Nature.
- Patterns of You ~ Remember that you are Nature and all the ways these patterns are informing and supporting you and your creations.
- Align with Nature ~ Live, lead and thrive with the regenerative flow of life-force energy.

The Soul Song of your Creations
- Original Intention ~ hone in on the purpose and impact of the mission being birthed through you
- Craft your Original Intention statement ~ clearly articulate who, what & why your business or initiative is designed to serve
- Align your Initiative with nature's principles of wholeness, abundance and mutual thriving as you steward the living ecosystem of your business
Claim your space
We begin September 9th!

Ready to step into
a whole new octave?
Reserve your spot in this potent incubator for your soul and the new-paradigm creations you are birthing
paid in 3 monthly payments of $650
or pay in full for only $1850
Enter a vibrant womb space for yourself and your creations
Here's what you'll receive in this intimate 3-month group experience:
🌱 Nature-Based Sharings: Receive valuable content and practical tools, resources and embodiment practices ~ all aligned with nature's principles.
🥾 Experienced Trail Guide: Navigate your journey with expert guidance and embodied wisdom that is tailored to your unique path.
🌟 Personal Transformation: Break free from limitations and emerge as the powerfully aligned leader you were destined to be through direct experiences.
❤️ Nurturing Incubator: Experience being held in an intimate group container of love and non-judgment that fosters your individual and collective growth.
It's time to sing your soul song and share your genius with the world!
Would you like to explore this further with me?
What are the dates and time of the calls?
What if I am in Australia or New Zealand?
Will the calls be recorded?
How much time can I expect to spend each month?
Is the Soul Song Sanctuary only for women?
As you tune into the song of your soul, you:
- embody more of who you truly are
- recognize your innate gifts
- realize the brilliant design of your life’s journey
- see clearly your core purpose and the impact you’re here to make
- fall madly in love with your whole wild, amazing self
- orient to the clear guidance of your own inner compass
- restore your sense of belonging as an integral part of Nature and all life
- tap into the source of true power and abundance
As you tune into the soul song of your creations, you:
- birth and nourish your initiatives from a wellspring of life-force energy ~ at every stage and scale
- attract all that is needed to fulfill your unique mission
- navigate uncertainty with curiosity and joy
- cultivate remarkable connection and engagement with team members and others in your ecosystem
- bring your initiative into alignment with Nature's principles of harmony, wholeness and mutual thriving
- lead in a way that is truly regenerative
What They're Saying...

Julia McKeowen
Founder, Pain-Free Living
By bringing my Original Intention to light and aligning my life with it, I have been able to focus my energy and elevate my transformation at warp speed. Everything in my life began to fall into place effortlessly and beautifully, much like the workings of nature. Holly's exceptional ability to hold space, combined with her wisdom, stories, and insights, has led to significant shifts and a deep remembering of my soul's journey.

Ric Pratte
Founder, AVL Digital Nomads
As a master of regenerative leadership, Holly guided us on a journey to rediscover our purpose. Holly demonstrated that leadership is not a position or title, but rather an act of service. By selflessly leading us to look within, she transformed how we plan to lead others going forward. Our sincere gratitude to Holly for facilitating the connections that remind us of our greater mission. The ripples from her impact will be felt far beyond AVL Digital Nomads.
It is my intention that, through this experience, you will step into an entirely new octave ~ experiencing a connection to your own true nature and a wellspring of abundant resources that will remain with you, informing and infusing all the magic you're bringing to the world.