The Original Intention Of Money: Finding The True Gift In The Distortion E04

Season #1

Welcome wise one...

to an epic remembrance to help you alchemise your money wounds

Date Published: 22.3.15 {originally streamed Feb 2021}

Time: 52min

Have you ever wondered what our world would be like without money?

I hope I’m not misinterpreted… you see I'm no money-hater but I'm also no money lover. I've always been somewhat indifferent and even a little dispassionate towards it. I've never been overly motivated to make money and struggled to see why the majority of people sacrifice so much in the name of it.

One day in 2021, all of this made sense - my life's relationship and journey with money, as well as humanity's collective journey with money - in nanoseconds!

You see, during a moment of total meltdown, I was launched into a multi-dimensional journey going back to the point of origin as a Prime Co-Creator of this earthly reality. I came to remember the Original Intention of Money {and gold} pre-manifestation in this reality and certainly well before it was known as a tool of exchange. It took me a few days to digest the significance of this and a few weeks to write about it, but eventually I published an article called The Original Intention of Money - finding the true gift in the distortion.

I'm sharing this with you because I received an overwhelming response from friends about how this impacted them deeply. People like me {and perhaps you!} who don't play in the employment matrix anymore and aren't earning a regular income - which can make finances a little tricky. As well as those who'd invested huge amounts of emotional energy, money {hehe} and time into healing their relationship with money, yet still felt burdened by their financial situation.

Hearing the original intention of money helped create a whole new sense of peace and assurance that they were truly on the right path. It helped them embrace their money situation, rather than continue resisting it and so much can shift when from the path of least resistance. I want this for you too, if you so choose.

Disclaimer: I don't know that what I discovered is 100% true, I mean, it's a big call to say "I know what the Original Intention of Money is" but truth-seeking is not the aim here. I'm after that which is real, and in my experience, this epic adventure was as real to me as typing this right now.

Stories and myth give us the hints of truth and shifts in perspective shift we need, that is the gold, not the so-called truth that one seeks. And geez did my perspective shift, in all the right ways! Some friends requested this article be available as an audio file so it too played a role in the emergence of the Streaming Wisdom Solo*Podcast.

I truly hope you enjoy this adventure and receive some life-changing insights about your relationship with money. 

Relish away :)