Activate Your Soul Song - with Annalie E10

Season #1

The moment your infinite spark was expressed in this universe, a unique sound pierced the veil and reverberated-out, creating an everlasting song. 

Immediately, every being felt your arrival on some level - your frequency changed the world! Actually every baby born does so with the arrival of a whole new soul song.

After your entire universal journey thus far - the lifetimes of wounding and ways you have been {and allowed yourself to be!} suppressed, stifled, smothered, shut-down, kept a secret, muzzled, mistreated and abused - it's an honourable reclamation and gift to all to reawaken your Soul~Song in this life, the purest expression of you. 

It's the only thing we have to do.

It is and will always be the most powerful technology that can overcome anything... and you possess it! 

Date Published: 22.4.25

Time: 1hr 24min

Welcome to part two with Annalie which I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you. By this point in our conversation the energy became so potent that we nearly launched off our chairs like a rocket! Not only do we go deep into the Soul~Song, we share about our ongoing collaboration as well as:

  • What it takes to be in true connection with yourself and others
  • Realising that everything is relationship!
  • Discovering who you are without your programming and conditioned behaviours
  • The real, raw experiences of past collaborations
  • What co-creations and relationships look like in the new reality


Connect with Annalie

Towards the end of our conversation, Annalie mentioned some amazing ways that she can support you in initiating {or further!} activating your Soul~Song which you'll find in the below links.

Shadow Dancer Activation
Sonic Dreaming
Intuitive Reading