Healing Through Habits {Part 2. Coffee & Caffeine} E12

Season #2

Do you know who you are without caffeine stimulating & altering you on a daily basis? What's it's like to rediscover and live by your natural biorhythms? 

I thought so and what I discovered was a wonderful surprise…

I’m actually not that anxious,

I’m not governed by fear,

I’m not that stressed,

I'm not foggy and groggy when I wake up,

I’m not as fatigued as I was once led to believe,

I’m not chronically dehydrated,

I’m not sentenced to a life of pain and immobility...

Actually, I rather like being in my body. I have realised that caffeine was pulling out of my natural biorhythms. I now sleep deeply and well and wake up revived. And at my best, I’m a calm, centred, present, peaceful woman… again, at my best ;)

Yep, I'm finally going there, this is your official heads up - I'm streaming about caffeine in a way that very few people do, I'm giving you the other side of the story that nobody wants to hear or be reminded of. 

We are all made differently and caffeine is not for everyone but unfortunately, many of us didn't get the memo! Those suffering chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, adrenal burn-out, depression, anxiety, panic attacks or stress may want to be first to ask the question - is caffeine right for me? As opposed to consuming it daily like everyone else and never getting the impact. I realised that most of my symptoms were greatly exacerbated by my caffeine habits. 

I share this stream with you lovingly and without judgement or any attachment to how you choose to move forward in your life - whether your caffeine habit is something you wish to re-evaluate or not. I share this because I want you to know that you have so much power and influence over your health and wellness... by the simple things you do through automation every single day, your habits!

Date Published: 22.6.15

Time: 42 min


This is part 2 of Healing Through Habits: Your Vitality Well - a 3 part series kicking-off Season 2 of Streaming Wisdom. 

Relish away :)