Healing Through Habits {Part 3. Alcohol & Sugar} E13

Season #2

Feeling pleasure through dopamine hits isn’t happiness. It’s probably the exact opposite… what if our obsession with pleasure has made us deeply unhappy?

We are creatures of habit, and highly trainable. The trick is to make healthy daily choices as they naturally become your new daily habits!

To complete this mini series I continue my journey of changing my alcohol and sugar habits and I go deep into why life-depleting substances are so challenging to give up in the first place

This stream seeds the process of identifying potentially sabotaging behaviours that are affecting all of you - mind, body and soul. I share this so you are inspired to get to know who you are without your pleasure-seeking habits… who you are beyond the over-stimulation, chronic dehydration, daily dopamine hits, addictions, emotional suppression and emotional dependence - and you can experience a whole new level of liberation, health, wellness & happiness.

Date Published: 22.6.29

Time: 1hr 16min


This is the concluding episode of Healing Through Habits: Your Vitality Well - a 3 part series kicking-off Season 2 of Streaming Wisdom. 

Relish away :)