Staying Alive in 2023 & Beyond! E19

Season #2

You're well and truly on the train of transformation, that's not only going at the speed of light, there are no stops to disembark.

Goodness it's been intense lately! It seems that we have quite the journey ahead for each of us and the human family.

I snuck in the recording of this solo-cast whilst crossing the portal to 2023 just after midnight - I couldn't sleep because it felt so important that I get this off my chest.

Tune in as we welcome in 2023 and I share about the common themes I'm seeing in myself, others and collectively around how we "stay alive" during these next few months and years through this giant recalibration, mass questioning and mass awakening. It's a chaotic yet exciting time to be here! 

Relish away :)

Date Published: 23.01.01

Time: 51min